Saturday, December 29, 2007

Another Spears Baby On the Way - Jamie Lynn Spears


And this time it’s not a rumor. It’s just not the Spears you’d expect.

Britney comes up clean in this one. Instead, the mother-to-be is Britney’s teenage sister and Nickelodeon star Jamie Lynn. She has announced that she is pregnant at age 16 by 18 or 19 years old boyfriend Casey Aldridge.

Most of Jamie Lynn’s fans are in the “tween” age of 8-12. She is the star of Nickelodeon’s show Zoey 101. Parents are concerned about the lack of solid female teen role models for their children.

Well, at least she has her big sister Britney for advice….on how NOT to raise children. Her family says they like Casey Aldridge and believe he will stand by Jamie Lynn and take care of this baby.