Thursday, September 13, 2007

Paris Hilton and 50 Cent Getting Close

This is really kind of a weird co-incidence but it just happens to be that when ever I am writing about Lindsay Lohan there is some news that has Paris Hilton too. After getting out of jail this girl has not been in the news for anything and so should it be coz this girl’s got nothing in her to suggest that she is worth a penny. But loves to be seen and written about so how she could possibly manage to keep herself in the spotlight. Isn’t this the weirdest thing you’ve seen in a long time? When I first saw this picture, I thought it was a fluke. But then I could see the point of the two of them being together well coz both of them are pretty much the worst things in their own field, Paris cannot sing, act and Curtis, well he can sing but he has such bad lyrics and such a nasty looking personality that no one would bother if he went past them.

Melody Plant: "Paris Hilton and 50 Cent Getting Close"